Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address, the shipping options you have chosen and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment. You can calculate delivery estimates by taking the processing time for your order and adding the delivery time based on the shipping method you have chosen.
Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time
Shipping Method |
Shipping Time | Order Processing | Shipping Fee |
Standard (via USPS) | 3-4 business days | 1-2 business days |
FREE (for orders over $150) |
Express (via UPS) | UPS Next Day or 2-Day | 1-2 business days | varies by service selected and destination zip code |
Please note: "Business day" refers to Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Next Day requested on Fridays is not available for Saturday arrival. Sales shipped to customers are FOB shipping point.
Sales Tax: Taxes are based on the order's "Ship To" address.